Steuben Republic 14 July 1948
Page 4
Sutton Family Enjoy Annual Reunion
The annual reunion of the Sutton family was held at Pokagon State Park last Sunday, with about forty relatives present. Donald Sutton is the president and Mrs. Wayne Swift is the secretary of the association. Among the items of special interest to the family was a poem prepared and presented by L. J. Sutton, of Hamilton and which is printed here by request of the family.
Today the Sutton family got together
To pass along stories and tell about the weather.
This is a family who is so lovely and fine,
So I’ll proceed to tell you about mine.
There is Herschel and Josephine who was much older;
When I’d do something wrong they’s grab me by the shoulder.
Wayne and Marshall were nearer my age;
the things I’d do were such an outrage.
Robert and Violet just alike
were always riding my old red bike.
Donald and Lu were much younger you see;
The things they would do I should turn them over my knee.
Madilene and LaMar were the babies of the nest,
But now they are as big as the rest.
Of all the things on hand and shoulder,
I wonder if we weren’t growing older.
Out aunts and uncles we won’t forget,
They have been so faithful you can bet.
There is the one who is always on the job;
That’s my grand old uncle-Uncle Bob.
Theres Aunt Lela, so beautiful and fine,
I’m so proud to call an aunt of mine.
Pearl and Aunt Dora like Walter and Uncle Clair,
A helping hand they are willing to share.
There are those cousins from Opal to Thomas,
They’ll use you grand, that I’ll promise.
Now my friends as you travel the nation,
There’s none better than your own relation.
The love of those who are now among others,
Is the great love of my father’s and mother’s.
Lyle Jay Sutton 1915-1987