Mayme Sutton was the daughter of Thomas W. Sutton and Frances I. Brode.
She was born March 20, 1877 in Steuben County. She lived with her parents up until her tragic death.
On Feb 29, 1908 Mayme died. An article in The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette Mar, 3, 1908:

Miss Mamie Sutton a seamstress died Saturday night about 10 o clock at her mothers residence on South Superior street under peculiar circumstances. She had been uptown early in the evening and at Frysingers drug store she purchased some chloroform saying that she wanted it to use in cleaning a skirt. As Miss Sutton was a seamstress and accustomed to that line of work Mr Frysinger thought nothing strange of the request and asked her how much she wanted. She said she didnt know but what an ounce would be enough but to be sure said she would have three ounces. When she arrived at home she found her sister-in-law Mrs. Charles Sutton ready to go uptown for something and was invited to accompany her. But she declined to do so. Half hour later when Mrs Sutton returned she found the lights in the room turned quite low and going into the house she called Mamie and got no reply. She then turned up the light and found Mamie lying on the couch in an unconscious condition. Dr. Frank B. Humphrey was at once called but the patient did not recover consciousness and died at about 10 o clock. When it was learned that Miss Sutton had purchased the chloroform search was made for the bottle but no trace of it can be found. Coroner Hamilton was notified and came Sunday to investigate the cause. The verdict of the coroner the Kist News bureau is informed will be that the deceased died of convulsions and friends say that she was subject to fits. The funeral will take place from the Christian church Tuesday at 10 am. She was thirty one years old and leaves a widowed mother and one brother.

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