Delevan Roswell 1877-1935
Robert Jacob 1880-1950
Lela Dora 1882-1960
Orville 1884-1932
A story told by Lela D. Sutton..." Another incident, when my father hired a young Frenchman to work for us, an after he had been with us for some time, he watched my father get ready for church. As I remember, he (the Frenchman) sat opposite me, as I sat in my little rocking chair. I watched him also as he primped in front of the mirror. He finally made some complimentary remark about the his suit, then said he was going to a party the next evening, and asked if he could borrow the clothes. He (Roswell) told him he could, so when the next evening rolled around, he donned the outfit and headed West. It was "Good-bye" suit and all. This fellow's name was Henry Barjarow.
...I guess I have said plenty, but there is one thing more. I would like to pay special tribute to my dear parents and my dear brothers, which is the most impartant and nearest to my heart. My father and mother were born in Scott Township, Steuben County, Indiana of English and Irish descent, very quiet folks; and as an old neighbor (Billie Burkett) said on time, "Those Suttons are the most independent folks I ever saw". There was never much illness in our family, only temporary contagion, with the exception of an accident my parent suffered in a runaway as they were on their way to church. The colt they were driving took fright at a coat hanging on a bridge, which was getting a fresh coat of paint. My father had two ribs broken and my mother was laid up for a few days.
My mother took the place of nurse, doctor, and undertaker in the neighborhood when needed. My father likewise always befriended and was willing to lend a helping hand as a neighbor and friend. While they never accumulated a lot of material wealth, I feel this means more to me than any thing else. Their home was known to all the vagrant train, and as I remember , no tramp was ever turned away. Many changes have taken place since that day...."
Obit: Steuben Republic
Roswell Sutton son of Roswell Sutton and Nancy McMinn Sutton was the youngest of five children born in Scott Township, Steuben County, Indiana, April 27, 1854, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Clarence Hanselman, January 10, 1930, aged 75 years, 8 months and 13 days.
His entire life was spent in Scott township except for the last few years which were spent at his home in Angola.
In 1877 he was married to Emma Jane Waller, who departed this life March 29, 1912. To this union four children were born, Delevan Sutton and Mrs Clarence Hanselman of Otsego township, Robert of Angola and Orvill of Jamestown township. Besides the sorrowing children he leaves, three daughters in law and on son-in-law, twenty-two grandchildren together with a host of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a loving father, obliging neighbor and a good citizen. He was a highly beloved citizen in the community in which he lived and was ever ready with a kind heart and a helping hand to aid those in need. It is with aching hearts we give him up but it was his will, not ours, and in the voice of the Savior we will say "Thy good and faithful now enter thy rest"

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